Criminal Defense Sex Crimes
A sex crime is a serious accusation with serious, lifelong consequences.
Ralph Ellinwood has expertise, specialized training and experience in handling sex cases.
What constitutes a sex crime?
- Arizona law defines a variety of offenses as sex offenses under the Arizona Revised Statutes Section 13-1401 et seq.
- These include indecent exposure, public sexual indecency, sexual abuse, molestation of a child, and sexual assault.
- Some crimes may be alleged to have been committed in person while others might involve computer-based activities, such as in cases of possession of child pornography.
What Could happen if I am convicted?
- You should never plead guilty or accept a plea bargain unless you consult with a lawyer.
- Sex offenses carry the possibility of lengthy prison terms.
- Some convictions could result in mandatory prison, or impose serious consequences for employment and family life.
- People who work in professions requiring State licensing might have additional consequences affecting their ability to practice their profession.
- Contrary to popular belief, a criminal conviction never goes away. It cannot be expunged or removed from your record.
- Landlords, employers, banks and others may have access to your criminal history.
When should I talk to a lawyer?
- Right away!
- As soon as you know you are being or about to be accused of a sex crime, you should consult with a knowledgeable, experienced trial lawyer.
- Ralph Ellinwood has expertise, specialized training and experience in handling sex cases.
- In cases involving sex offenses, including child pornography, Mr. Ellinwood may associate with Mr. Richard Lougee, also an AV rated lawyer and a Super Lawyer in Arizona.